Nigerian Patient's Success Story Cataract Eye Surgery in Kerela India
Ms. Pauline, Nigeria
Cataract Eye Surgery for Her Mother
Hi, This is Pauline. With the assistance of Tour2India4Health Group, my mother got her Cataract Eye Surgery in Kerela, India about a month ago. It was very pleasant experience. We are very thankful to the Tour2India4Health Group for their support. My mother’s Cataract Eye Surgery in Kerela, India was done at an amazing hospital. The amenities were excellent. I had also accompanied my mother. Tour2India4Health Group made perfect staying arrangements for us. The food was great. We came to know about Tour2India4Health Group while browsing the internet. We had always wanted to visit India. So this was a good chance for us. We filled up the form on their website. The next day, we got a call from them. They noted down our preferences. Soon all the arrangements were made. We are very satisfied with the kind of response we got from them. Soon we were in Kerela, India for my mother’s Cataract Eye Surgery. The doctors who performed Cataract Eye Surgery on my mother in Kerela, India, were highly qualified. They were dedicated to their work and very compassionate. My mother’s Cataract Eye Surgery in Kerela, India was performed using the most modern medical equipments. This is something we were not expecting in India. The results have certainly exceeded our expectations. In future, we would definitely consider India for medical treatments.
Thank you,
Ms. Pauline
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