American Patient's Success Story Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery in Mumbai India
Mr. Gary Buris, USA
Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery
Hello, This is Gary. Recently, I got my Spine Disc Surgery in Mumbai, India with the assistance of Tour2India4Health Group. Please accept my high appreciation on the whole team of doctors who performed my Spine Disc Surgery in Mumbai, India for your care, professionalism and medical skills, which made me, consider India as my favorite medical destination now and ever. I would like to compliment and congratulate Tour2India4Health Group on the thoroughly professional way in which my Spine Disc Surgery in Mumbai, India was arranged and conducted. I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to all at the hospital where I got my Spine Disc Surgery in Mumbai, India, particularly to my doctor. Being a patient far away from United States, I was really anxious prior to visiting the hospital. Fortunately and by design of your excellent service, I felt the hospitality, professionalism and expertise of your staff the moment I entered the hospital. The surgeons who performed my Spine Disc Surgery in Mumbai, India was very efficient, and I was really impressed with the minimal amount of expected scaring. I would have no hesitation in recommending colleagues to avail of your facilities.
Thank you,
Mr. Gary Buris
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