Canadian Patient's Success Story Keyhole Spine Surgery in India
Ms. Sonia Lafond, Canada
Keyhole Spine Surgery
Keyhole spine surgery in India is indeed a final resort and best solution to get rid of your spinal deformity. Every year thousands of global patients travel to India for various medical services. The reason behind this paradigm shift is that they can avail the most sophisticated and ultramodern technique coming at quiet affordable prices. Tour2India4Health is a group engaged in catering and managing invariably entire medical services to foreign medical tourists coming from all the corners of the world. Thus, we have created a brand in medical tourism through best and professional work. Recently Mrs. Sonia Lafond along with her husband from Canada had been to Mumbai for her Keyhole spine surgery in India. Read on to see what she has to say about her experience.
Hi, My name is Mrs. Sonia Lafond. I am from Canada. Last month I had my Keyhole spine surgery in India. It was an amazing experience coming down all the way to Canada for my Keyhole spine surgery in India. I came through Tour2India4Health Group, which was the result of my internet search. I vividly remember what chaos I had in my life. I was bogged down by back pain, I couldn’t bend or move properly, I was badly corned by this pain. I discussed all these symptoms with my doctor immediately, he did some physical tests and some medical examination, and thus suggested that I am suffering with spinal deformity and I require Keyhole spine surgery. I and my husband tried at my hometown, but it seemed futile running from pillar to post, since the treatment over there was beyond my capacity. While quiet a few had low budget treatment, but it lagged the quality which we were looking for. Hence we had no option but to think of an alternative. I searched the internet, the last solace for any miserable person like me. My internet search led me to a medical consultant in India Tour2India4Health. I went through their website, checked the packages they had for Keyhole spine surgery in India. I called them up and enquired about the possibility of having my Keyhole spine surgery in India.
The executive explained couple of options of having my Keyhole spine surgery in India, he explained me its procedure, which seemed too easy, and I immediately gave my consent. Soon I along with my husband left for my Keyhole spine surgery in India. Things were pretty organized in India; soon we met my orthopedic surgeon who was supposed to perform my Keyhole spine surgery. He made both of us at ease and helped me to get rid of our fear and nervousness. Soon my Keyhole spine surgery day came,
Keyhole spine surgery technique enables surgeons to view, access and remove sections or entire organs through very small incisions rather than large incisions that cause extensive tissue damage, longer healing processes and greater risk of infection. Keyhole spine surgery is done under general anesthesia and utilizes image guidance x-ray technology and two very small incisions, through which probes are inserted. The probes, focused on the fracture or compression site, enable surgeons to drill small holes in the damaged bone. A type of balloon called a bone tamp is inserted into the space and inflated, creating space around the fracture site. The doctor then injects orthopedic cement called PMMA into the compressed bone spaces for support and strength. The balloons are then deflated and removed. The cement hardens, offering additional stability and support and strength to the damaged vertebra, relieving pain and improving their ability to function. The entire Keyhole spine surgery went smooth, thanks to the professional medical team who carried out my successful Keyhole spine surgery.
After the Keyhole spine surgery, my doctor gave me instructions on when I can resume my normal daily activities. A thorough postoperative rehabilitation program was advised to help me resume the activities of daily living. And I must say that this postoperative exercise program really helped me to recover. Within two days, I was back to Canada. It took four weeks for life to feel fairly normal, but I managed to enjoy time with friends and small outings almost from the day I was discharged. My experience in India was very good. I am pleased with its outcome. I will certainly recommend anyone for the Keyhole spine in India. Lastly, I would like to extend my words of gratitude to executives of Tour2India4Health and the surgeon who performed my Keyhole spine surgery.
Thank you,
Ms. Sonia Lafond
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