Pakistan Patient Experience Meningomyelocoele Surgery in India
I am Mr. from Pakistan and I came for my daughter’s Meningomyelocoele Surgery in India through Tour2india4health consultants. My child has experienced dreadful pain due to the disorder with which she was born and she used to cry in terrible pain. The doctors who operated on her were true genius and have provided the best possible treatment to my child.
When she was born I was got very afraid when I saw that she ha a disorder in her spine. That moment was very bad for me. So I was searching for a good surgeon for my child’s surgery. Then m neighbor told me about Tour2india4health consultants in India as she had undergone a surgery through them. She also gave their contact number. Then I contacted them and enquired about my child’s Meningomyelocoele Surgery in India. This medical tourism company had provided me with all the information related to the surgery and was really very helpful. Then I went and got my child’s Meningomyelocoele Surgery in India done. After the surgery I am so happy to see my child normal. Everybody in my family is also very happy for her and has blessed her for the future. The hospital in which my child was operated was very posh and the doctors were very caring. I want to thank the doctor for providing my child such good medical services for my child’s Meningomyelocoele Surgery in India and I will always recommend this medical tourism company to any person to get their surgery done from them to get the best of medical services in the most affordable cost.
Thank you,
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