Iraq Patient's Success Story Spine Surgery in India
Mr. Mohammed Rasool, Iraq
Spine Surgery For His Mother
Scoliosis Spine surgery in India is indeed an ideal way to say good-bye to your back pain bugging you. We at Tour2India4Health had been catering medical services to international patients with best of the packages and facilities. Countless foreign patients avail their desired medical treatments and surgeries and take back home life changing experience. Recently Mohammed Rasool’s mother had her Scoliosis Spine surgery in India. Soon after returning to Iraq, he wrote a piece compiling his and his mother’s experience of being treated in India. Read on to see what he has to say about his and his mother’s experience.
Hello, My name is Mohammed Rasool. I am from Baghdad Iraq. I want to share with you my experience with Tour2India4Health who arranged my mother’s Scoliosis Spine surgery in India. They planned everything for my mother’s surgery and treatment so all I had to do was bring my mother to India. The experience at Hospital in India was great. If I ever need surgery, again I will contact Tour2India4Health for sure. I remember my mother suffering from back problems for past 2 years. There was no medicine left available in Iraq that my mother had not tried or prescribed by the doctors to get her back and disc problem solved. A health camp was organised where I took my mother to get her examined by the UK doctors. They diagnosed her with Scoliosis of the spine and recommended quick Scoliosis Spine surgery. My mother refused to go to UK for her surgery but postponing her surgery was no longer possible. For months, she had masked the pain with pain relievers in order to keep working. I tried to find some solutions at my place and the other areas of my vicinity, however, was dismayed not to find anything worth to be opted for. It just seemed futile running from pillar to post. I went on the internet, did a lot of research, and kept coming across various post, articles and press release by Tour2India4Health Group. I went through its website, checked the treatment procedure they offered for Scoliosis Spine surgery in India. I called them up and enquired about the possibility of having my mother’s Scoliosis Spine surgery in India.
Tour2India4Health Group, who helped us, put the entire trip to India together. Once my mother agreed to go to India for her surgery, we were in a hurry, but Tour2India4Health Group put our entire trip together in less than a week. On reaching India, I realised that my decision of coming to India for my mother’s Scoliosis Spine surgery was not wrong at all, everthing was well organized in a very professional manner. My mother’s Scoliosis Spine surgery in India went smooth and took five hours to complete. Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine develops one or more abnormal, side-to-side curves that in turn may affect the body's overall balance and alignment, as well as possibly lead to other physical and health problems. Treatment of scoliosis depends on the severity of the curve, along with other factors such as the patient's age and physical condition. The surgeon will make an incision in the middle of the back. The muscles are moved to the side to expose the spine, and the joints between the vertebrae are removed to loosen them. The vertebrae are roughened up so that the body responds by producing new bone. The new bone eventually bridges the gaps between the vertebrae and makes them fuse together. Metal implants — rods, screws, hooks or wires — are put in to hold the spine still while the vertebrae fuse.
After the Scoliosis Spine surgery in India, the physical therapist evaluated her posture, muscle strength and flexibility and gave her a home exercise program which was designed specifically for her. This program helped to stretch and strengthen her muscles so she is more comfortable in her brace. And the surgeon suggested to visit the local therapist on a regular basis, while gave her a long list of instructions to follow with few medicine for a while. My mother told me to quote on her behalf “I have my life back, with no limitations due to the spine or surgery. My grandsons and grand daughters are delighted to have their grandmother keeping up with them again. Whenever I get to know or hear people talking about their spine and disc problems, I without fail tell them about my Scoliosis Spine surgery and experience in India.” I would like to extend my words of gratitude to executives of Tour2India4Health and the surgeon who performed my mother’s Scoliosis Spine surgery in India. Everything was taken care of by Tour2India4Health. Thanks to Tour2India4Health we now know where to turn in the future should we need it. May God bless them all!
Thank you,
Mr. Mohammed Rasool
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